Old school Swatch Watches
This script will create OG:meta tags for xtgem blog posts
I have tested this on this sites blog and it works
NOTE: facebook may have old versions of your share data cached and it will be up to you to get this reset
from what I can tell you have to request 'rescrape' one post at a time

This will only work on blogs that are output by xtscript and have a twig template file
The script creates AUTOMATIC facebook og meta tags using the posts title text content canonical URI and the FIRST image found in the post[/b]

FIRST go to https://developers.facebook.com register start a project and get an app_id this then needs to go in the fb:ap_id meta tag in the last line of the main xt:script

This needs to go in your blog twig just below the {% elseif view == 'entry' %} Line
Here is the actual xtscript code it needs it needs to be inserted after the blog has been assigned to a xtscript variable ( this expects it to be $blog )
you then need to add this to the <head> area of the blog page using text editor
© graham 2018 : Please give credit for any of my code used